An apple a day keeps the doctor away, right? But what about the dentist? Something that is good for your general health could be detrimental to the health of your teeth.
Lots of people are always looking for the new FAD about how to lose weight and becoming generally healthier.
Is drinking lemon water good for me?
Headlines have linked drinking lemon water to many other health claims, including weight loss, improved digestion, ‘alkalising’ effects on the body, improved skin and detoxification. The research, especially human studies, to back up many of these health claims is minimal but that doesn’t stop people trying these tricks out which can unfortunately impact the enamel of your teeth, so if you are thinking of trying the lemon water trick it is best to dilute concentrated lemon juice with water or drink it through a straw.
What can cause tooth erosion?
Research in the British Dental Journal looked at the diets of 300 people with severe erosive tooth wear. They found that the problem was increasing as people snacked more. Fruit squashes, cordials, fruit teas, diet drinks, sugared drinks and flavoured water are all acidic and can cause wear and tear to teeth.
Dr Saoirse O'Toole, the lead study author, from King's College London Dental Institute, said: "If you drink things for long periods of time, greater than five minutes, or if you play with things in your mouth or if you nibble on fruit over a few minutes rather than eating them as a whole fruit - these are things that can really damage your teeth.
The researchers found people who had drinks such as water with a slice of lemon or hot fruit-flavoured teas twice a day between meals were more than 11 times more likely to have moderate or severe tooth erosion.
A common misconception is that fruit teas, ketchups, chutneys, vinegars and sugar-free soft drinks are not damaging to teeth but unfortunately studies and evidence have shown that they can also lead to tooth erosion.
If you would like to find out if you have any hidden sugars or a sneaky erosive habit lurking in your diet please book a free appointment with our Oral Health Educator – Kirsten, she will help you look at your diet and identify anything that could be damaging to your teeth. Give us a call on 01872 573993 or email
If you would like to read more about the study from the British Dental Journal the BBC have an article here.
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