As well as what children eat and drink, how they eat and drink is important too.
Why choose an open cup from 6 months?
Dental health and orthodontic development:
- It encourages proper sipping. This will promote muscle use that stimulates correct jaw and facial growth and help avoid crooked teeth and orthodontic problems.
- Reduces dental decay by avoiding comfort sucking: using a teat or spout creates a ‘drip feed’ effect meaning teeth are continually exposed to acid attack if child is drinking milk or juices.
- Develop fine motor skills and a sense of achievement.
What else can you do?
Reduce use of sucking food from food pouches as these can delay a child’s chewing action which can lead to narrow dental arches, crowded or crooked teeth and malocclusion.
Why don’t parents use open cups earlier?
Normal cups are simply too wide: imagine us as adults trying to drink from something far too big like a jug or a bucket!
Spillage/ mess:
Given the chance to try, our little ones are often brilliant at picking up new skills - use the right sized cup from the start. They’ve already learnt the skill and what’s more, they’ve begun a healthy lifestyle habit from the very start.
Happy sipping!
Further reading: http://darwinian-medicine.com/how-the-western-diet-has-changed-the-human-face
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